How to really connect with your bub through baby signing

How does your infant or toddler let you know what they want before they can speak?
Crying is one way but mismatch of needs can lead to frustration for parents and children.

A popular way to help communicate is to use baby signing, not to be confused with sign language, because it is for anyone to learn and use.
From 6 months, babies can babble. But they don’t learn to string more than a couple of words together until 2 years old. That is a long time to not be able to express what you want.

Babies as young as 7 months can learn to express their needs using signs: all they need to do is start with pointing, also called
gesturing. Once they can do this, you can use simplified signs combined with words to cue specific emotions, desires or objects.

There have been many studies to see whether baby signing increases cognitive development and language skills but what they have shown is that it can lead to a more positive bond and interaction between parent and child.

There are lots of media resources to find out about baby signing with only a few that are actually backed by research with measurable outcomes. But the good news is that there doesn’t appear to be much difference between them in terms of outcomes. One of the resources we used in our house was My First Signs because it is a board book and you can read it with your child. Choose one that appeals to you or make up your own.

Examples of signs:
Eat – fingers together on one hand, placed or tap at lips
More – fingertips together and tap them several times
All done – swipe hands in front of you, cutting to the sides
(the most useful and fun for us - like doing a hand jive)

Steps to Signing:
1.     Make sure bub is not tired and is focused on you
2.     You can choose signs from books, apps, videos or make your own but be consistent in what sign it is and how it is used
3.     Repeat signs often
4.     Encourage and watch for bub to sign back, rewarding with enthusiasm and repeating.
5.     You got it! Now add more signs in as needed.

By E K Wills
Author and Mum


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