Back to school: Back to rules

Parenting hacks to help By E K Wills © EK Wills Holiday time is when you let your guard down and let the kids have some fun. This is particularly true in Australia where they have a long break and the year comes to a close. But sometimes this can backfire when it comes time to going back to school. It means they have to stick to a routine again and may even need to do homework depending on what age and school they go to. In our household, they will need to help out to keep the family unit running smoothly, as both parents work full time and family live too far away or have their own needs. Over time, we have developed some habits that seem to help with this transition and now it has become a routine. © EK Wills Before the end of the calendar year, 1. School uniforms are checked 2. School item lists for books, etc are tended Over the ...